Bulletin of the State Social and Humanitarian University №1 (45) 2022
Biryukova Anastasia Mikhailovna
3rd year PhD student at the Department of Russian and World History and Municipal Management
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia.
e-mail: biryukova.am@yandex.ru

Market Position Of Peasant Seasonal Workers (Otkhodnichestvo) in The Moscow Province In Early 20th Century

Abstract. The article explores the features specific to the peasants involved in migrant labor in the Moscow province in early 20th century. Special attention is paid to the industries in which otkhodnichestvo was widespread ans well as to the factors which affected this process. The author of the article focuses types of factories, the variety of which gave peasants a variety of choices. It appears that the north and west of the province are characterized by the predominance of artisan crafts, whereas the east of the region - by full scale industries.
Key words: otkhodnichestvo, peasantry, Moscow province, crafts, post-reform Russia.
Galkin Pavel Vladimirovich
PhD, Habil. In History, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian and World History
and Municipal Management
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: pvgalkin@yandex.ru

On The Financial Situation Of Medical Personnel Of Zemstvo Hospitals In The Moscow Province In The Early 20th Century

Abstract. The article explores the financial situation of zemstvo doctors and rural paramedics of the Moscow province. The sources behind the study are then-existing labor protection regulations, budget structures in the families of medical professionals as well as their pension provisions. The minutes and other documents of the provincial professional conventions show the stance of professional medical community concerning then-current financial issues in the trade and possible ways to resolve them.
Keywords: Moscow provincial zemstvo, doctors, rural paramedics, financial situation.
Kukushkin Vasily Leonardovich
PhD in History, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History
Vologda State Dairy Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin
e-mail: kukvasleo@yandex.ru

Kukushkina Irina Ageevna
Teacher, Museum Director at Vologda Regional Medical College
e-mail: irkukag1976@yandex.ru

Problems Of Socialization Of Soviet Deaf In 1937-1938: A Case Of Courses Of Dental Technicians At The Vologda School Of Nursing, Midwifery And Paramedic Practice

Abstract. The article focuses the activities of the management and staff of Vologda School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice in 1937-1938 concerning the training of deafand mute students in dental care. Due to the political repressions against members of the Leningrad section of All-Russian Deaf and Mute Society and the ongoing reform of the Nothern Oblast, the educational environment can be described as unfavorable. The educational institution faced a range of challenges regarding the teaching staff, as well as financial and material aspects of creating the environment fit for deaf and mute students. The authors believe that training the deaf and mute in Vologda School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice in dental technology is a remarkable case of inclusive education in a non-specialized educational establishment.
Keywords: history of inclusive education, inclusion, history of medicine, history of people with disabilities, history of the deaf and mute.
Solokhina Tamara Malkhazievna
Teacher in history, Veshnyakovskaya school, Moscow
e-mail: poroshkova.tamara@mail.ru

Campaigns Of 1906-1907 Duma Elections In The Moscow Province

Abstract. The article is focuses on the election campaigns for the I and II State Duma, which, according to the legislation, took place in the Moscow province on December 11, 1905 and April 23, 1906. The article gives an evaluation of the legislation mentioned above and the election procedure. Special attention is paid to the activities of the parties, their programs and activism. Using the primary sources, the author of the article unravels the story of the election campaign in the province step by step. The article contains the analysis of the legislation concerning the election, as well as the poll lists and protocols of the uezd and province electoral boards. The author states that the outcomes of the elections can be explained by the unique election situation in the Moscow province.
Keywords: 1st State Duma elections, curia attorney, preliminary congress, property qualification, elector.
Gotsko Tatiana Vasilevna
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Management
and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Russia, Kolomna
e-mail: gotskotv@mail.ru

Kapanina Tatiana Sergeevna
Senior lecturer at the Department of Management and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Russia, Kolomna
e-mail: tgleonova@mail.ru

Key Trends In Digital Transformation Of Municipal Budget Planning

Abstract. Digital transformation is considered to be instrumental in improving the efficiency of budget spending in the public sector. Municipal finance management monitoring in Moscow Region for 2019 resulted in the consistent implementation of the unified information platform for a standard budget. The integration of the municipal budget process into a unified information system made it possible to improve the quality of local budgets, reduce the risks of financial irregularities, led to a reduction of local budget spending on IT infrastructure maintenance, and also significantly reduced the amount of time required for planning and execution of local budgets, and the formation of budget reporting.
Keywords: strategy, digital transformation, unification, standard budget, management, efficiency
Leonova Zhanna Konstantinovna
PhD Habil., Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Management and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Russia, Kolomna
e-mail: zh_leonova@mail.ru

Rusakovich Maria Vladimirovna
PhD, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Russia, Kolomna
e-mail: m_rusakovich@mail.ru

Stolyarova Alla Nikolaevna
PhD Habil., Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Management and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Russia, Kolomna
e-mail: stolyarova2011@mail.ru

Continuing Education In A Digital Economy

Abstract. The article explores a range of aspects pertaining to continuing education with the particular focus on the requirements to the skills future professionals. The implementation of lifelong learning is aimed at training the professional whose expertise is not limited to a set hard skills, but also a set of skills and knowledge related to communication and efficient interaction with colleagues, clients and partners, i.e. soft skills. Particular attention is paid to new types of professional skills, such as self skills, digital skills and meta skills.
Keywords: Continuing education, distance learning, digitalization, models of continuing education skills, competitiveness.
Shibukov Alexander Alexandrovich
PhD in Agriculture, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department
at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
e-mail: aleksshibukov@mail.ru

Galkina Natalia Victorovna
Student of the Technological Department; Field of Study 44.03.05 Pedagogical education
(with two majors), majors Technology, Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Russia, Kolomna
e-mail: natashagalkina100398@mail.ru

Economic Activity Of CJSC Panovsky Agricultural Enterprise For 2020

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of economic performance of Panovsky CJSC for 2020. The indicators taken into account were: the structure of property and the sources of its formation, the composition and structure of current assets, working capital turnover, as well as the indicators of operational and financial cycles. The article shows the growth rate of current assets against noncurrent assets is presented, the characteristic of the property in the context of non-current and current assets is reflected, the calculation of equity and borrowed capital is presented, the result of which is that the enterprise has more funds owned than borrowed. The article also contains the calculations of the company’s turnover and profitability ratios, showing that the turnover ratios of equity and borrowed capital increased, which is a negative factor, as it entails higher financial risks. The profitability of sales was positively affected by the growth of profit from sales in the reporting year. The authors come to the conclusion that Panovsky CJSC demonstrated crisis financial stability in 2020, therefore, several recommendations concerning the improvement of business operations have been made.
Keywords: analysis, business activity, property structure, sources of property formation, working capital composition, coefficient.
Ayupova Svetlana Budimirovna
PhD Habil in Lingusitcs, Professor, Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature
Atatürk University, Republic of Turkey, Erzurum
e-mail: ayupova_sb@mail.ru

Draft Dictionary Of Anthropoetonyms From Sketches From A Hunter’s Album By Ivan Turgenev: Choice Of Units, Their Location In The Dictionary Entry And Entry Structure

Abstract. The article focuses on the dictionary of anthropoetonyms from ‘A Hunter’s Album’ by Ivan Turgenev. The primary focus of the article is on the principles behind the choice of units to be included in the Dictionary, as well as the nest-alphabetical principle of article arrangement and their structure. The dictionary is one of the most important tools for characterizing the creative individuality of the writer and the images of his characters. It is an example of convergence between literary criticism, semiotics, cognitive science, linguistic personology and onomastics in the form of a dictionary.
Keywords: A Hunter’s Album, dictionary of anthropoetonyms, Ivan Turgenev.
Chernyakova Julia Sergeevna
PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor;
Associate Professor of the Department of German and Romance Languages
and Methods of Their Teaching
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: y-chernyakova@mail.ru

Communication Of Emotions Through Fiction: A Case Of Susan Hill’s Father, Father.

Abstract. The article focuses on the methods of communication of emotion in fiction, namely in Susan Hill’s short story ‘Father, Father’. The linguistic and stylistic interpretation of the text, which is very rich in expressive means and stylistic devices, employed to manifest the characters’ emotions, allows the author to identify the emotional and semantic highlights of the short story in question and analyze the emotional spectrum of the characters. The data shows that the emotional space of the narrative is created by means of direct nomination, affective, connotative and potentiative structures, as well as through the description of the body language, thoughts, settings and the surroundings of the charatcers.
Keywords: emotiveness, emotional and semantic dominant, fiction, stylistic analysis,
linguostylistic means.