Voskolovich Nina Alexandrovna
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Full Professor, Professor at the Department of Labor Economics and Personnel of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow).
Leonova Zhanna Konstantinovna - Editor-in-Chief
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Associate Professor, Rector of the State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Professor at the Department of Management and Economics (Kolomna)
Lochan Sergey Alexandrovich
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Design of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)
Panasenko Svetlana Viktorovna
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of Industrial Department of Trade Policy at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)
Stolyarova Alla Nikolaevna
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics at State University of Humanities and Social Studies (Kolomna)
Fedunin Dmitry Valerievitch
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Associate Professor, Chair at the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Design of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)
Khekalo Sergey Pavlovich – Deputy Editor-in-Chief
PhD, Habil in Mathematics, Associate Professor, First Vice-Rector of State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics (Kolomna)
Shabunova Alexandra Anatolyevna
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Director of the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vologda)
Yarasheva Aziza Viktorovna
PhD, Habil. in Economics, Full Professor, Head of Behavioral Economics Laboratory at Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)