Irina E. Koznova
Doctor of History (Dr. habil), Associate Professor
Leading Researcher of the Philosophy of Culture Sector
Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: i.koznova@mail.ru


Abstract. The research relies on the diary entries of a rural schoolboy Ivan Khripunov (1923–1942), who lived in the South-Eastern part of Russia. The diary, which the teenager kept from 1937 to 1941, is a chronicle depicting his daily life. The author of the diary considers current local and national events and expresses opinions on various matters. The diary entries contain a lot of interesting details that shed light on the cultural and socio-political situation in the country and on the specific features of Soviet everyday life. Ivan Khripunov describes the family’s household, his school life and his reading and drawing activities, the weather and harvests, holidays and films, friendship and love, prices and earnings, queues and rallies, rural and city life. The records allow us to take a fresh look at many events of the 1930s, including collectivization, the famine of 1932–1933, as well as the initial period of the war. The teenager’s everyday life demonstrates the process of his personality development.
Keywords: everyday life; Soviet; rural; teenager; ego-documents; diary; society; culture; school; holidays.
Nikita V. Tikhomirov
PhD in History, Associate Professor,
Russian State University for the Humanities
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: tihomirov_n@rambler.ru


Abstract. The article examines the daily life of the peasant population of the north-east of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) in the early years of socialist construction. This subject area has not been sufficiently studied and is in high demand among historians today. It contains a report prepared by students of the Leningrad Branch of the Communist University of the National Minorities of the West (LBCUNMW) as a result of their practical training in rural areas in early 1925. The document is part of the complex of reports by the LBCUNMW students, deposited in the corresponding fund of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. Practical training reports by students of communist universities are almost unknown to historians, the data they contain are not reflected in existing publications either. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to expand the base of sources used to study the everyday life of Russian peasants in the first post-revolutionary decade. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that a highly informative source is introduced into scientific circulation, which has not been used in works devoted to the history of the early Soviet period before. The author gives a general description of the heuristic potential of students’ reports and substantiates the prospects for their further analytical development. The paper also demonstrates the main layers of information contained in the given source and outlines the ways of including it into scientific research practice. The research aims to expand the scientific community’s understanding of the documentary security of modern research during the NEP period and the Cultural Revolution in the USSR. In particular, the material under consideration provides extensive cognitive opportunities to solve specific research tasks within the framework of studying the daily life of the Soviet peasantry of the north-west of the Russian Federation and reconstruct its life in the pre-industrial era. In addition, the submitted document shed light on the activities of Soviet activists engaged in political and educational work in rural areas by order of the party and state structures. The activities of students of Communist universities in this field in the 1920s have been little studied. The published document allows you to get a general idea of the possibilities of involving this category of sources to study this problem in the future.
Keywords: history of everyday life, communist university, peasantry, cultural revolution, microhistory, national minorities.
Vasily Zh. Tsvetkov
Doctor of History (Dr. habil), Associate Professor,
Professor at the Department of Modern Russian History,
Institute of History and Politics
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Professor at the Department of Russian History,
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: tsvetcov@rambler.ru


Abstract: The article discusses the problems of building fortifications on the Perekop Isthmus in the Crimea in the spring of 1920, on the eve of the start of the main operations of the Armed Forces of Southern Russia against the Red Army in Northern Tavria at the final stage of the Civil War. The author considers the way the military engineering preparation of the fortified positions was organized under the conditions of an acute shortage of necessary building materials, special equipment, and well-trained engineering personnel. The article dwells on the degree of stability of the fortifications from the point of view of the military men of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia and also provides a brief description of the historiography on the research topic. The research relies on the historical sources, which have never been introduced into wide scientific circulation. They reflect the specific features of the construction of fortifications; the composition of military units which took part in the preparation of the defense of the white Crimea in 1920; the degree of their combat readiness to conduct offensive and defensive operations on the southern front of the Civil War; and the management and reporting system approved by Lieutenant General Pyotr N. Wrangel, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, when creating fortified lines at Perekop. The author draws conclusions about the impact of the creation of fortifications on the the Perekop-Chongar operation in November 1920.
Keywords: Civil War, White Movement, Crimea, Pyotr N. Wrangel, military engineering preparation, Perekop-Chongar operation, 1920.
Dmitry O. Churakov
Doctor of History (Dr. habil), Professor
Institute of History and Politics,
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: do.churakov@mpgu.org

Tatyana A. Ostrashenko
Teacher, School №1273
Student, Institute of History and Politics,
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: romanovaaat@gmail.com


Abstract. The present day is marked by an increase in the conflict nature of globalization processes, which is not only reflected in the increase in the number and scale of local wars of our time, but also in their ‘hybridization’ – that is, in the intensive introduction of the latest methods of armed and nonviolent suppression of the enemy into the art of war. The Russian Federation, as one of the key centers of modern civilization, has found itself under the threat of numerous geopolitical challenges, including those of participating in several hybrid local wars at a time. Over the past decades, the Russian Federation has accumulated a wealth of experience in counteracting external and internal threats to the stability of the society, borders, sovereignty, and national security. Russian historical science plays an important role in mastering this experience and adapting it. The article examines the major trends in the study of the history of the Russian Federation’s participation in hybrid local wars at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, and the contribution of Russian historians to the formation of the intellectual basis of mechanisms to counter them.
Keywords: Hybrid wars, armed conflicts, historiography, globalization, Russian Spring
Pavel Yu. Bunakov
Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr. habil), Associate Professor
Professor at the Department of Computer Science
State University of Humanities and Social Studies,
Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: pavel_jb@mail.ru

Andrey V. Galchenko
Leading Design Engineer
OJSC “Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau”
Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: koriaga20@mail.ru

Alexey V. Tegin
PhD in Technical Sciences
Deputy Head of Department at LLC “UK Polyus”
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: ategin@mail.ru


Abstract. The article presents a proven methodology for assessing and long-term forecasting of the cost of serial samples of unmanned aircraft systems. It is a practically significant and concise result of twenty-year-long research: the price-metrics descriptive concept of the functioning of the industrial products global market. The developed methodology is based on the statistical analysis of empirical data on changes in prices for serial models of aircraft, missiles, armored vehicles and other equipment over the previous century. This made it possible to formulate universal patterns and identify significant factors in these processes. Taking them into consideration, the authors developed a unified formula to calculate the cost of samples of unmanned aircraft systems depending on a limited number of basic parameters of their production, economic and technical nature under the influence of the time factor. To implement it in practice, corresponding indicators and constants are provided. Additionally, a number of external circumstances that significantly affect the cost adjustment are listed, and the boundaries of possible associated random effects on the calculation results are also described. The reliability of the conclusions drawn is confirmed by verification examples of the correspondence of the results of applying the proposed methodology to real market prices. The authors stress the idea that the resulting estimated value corresponds to the so-called dynamic equilibrium market price. This provides a maximum guarantee of supply and sale contract fulfillment, as well as depreciation of funds to make the enterprise continue operating. A reliable and timely forecast of the cost of unmanned aircraft systems samples has recently become an urgent issue against the backdrop of the rapid development of this type of equipment, especially in view of the requirements for their uninterrupted provision to the Special Military Operation participants.
Keywords: pricing, drone, unmanned aircraft system (UAS), deflator, competitiveness, purchasing power parity.
Elena S. Kuznetsova
Master’s Student, Faculty of Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: kuznetsova.chir@yandex.ru

Alla N. Stolyarova
Doctor of Economics (Dr. habil), Professor
State University of Humanities and Social Studies
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”
Kolomna; Moscow, Russia
e-mail: stolyarova2011@mail.ru


Abstract. The article discusses the topical issue of forecasting the financial and economic activities of an autonomous higher education institution and developing directions for its improvement. Autonomous institutions play an important role in the Russian economy, performing social and government functions, which requires them to effectively use budget funds and comply with the principles of financial sustainability. Under the conditions of limited resources and the need to improve the efficiency of their use, an important task is to develop a methodology that will make it possible to predict the main indicators of an institution’s performance and determine ways to optimize them.
The study aims to identify the factors which influence the financial and economic performance of autonomous institutions, as well as to develop effective methods and tools for their forecasting. The research involved the analysis of methodological approaches to forecasting the activities of autonomous institutions, taking into account the specifics of their functioning. Based on the analysis of statistical data and the application of economic and mathematical methods, the authors propose an integrated approach, including the assessment of the current state of the institution’s financial indicators, analysis of the dynamics of performance indicators, as well as modeling of their changes in the future.
The article focuses on the development of directions for improving the financial and economic activities of an educational institution. It offers specific measures to optimize the use of budget funds, increase the efficiency of resource management and minimize financial risks. The issues of introducing digital planning and accounting tools at the university are also considered, which will increase the transparency and accountability of the institution and result in a more efficient use of its financial resources.
The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the proposed methods and recommendations to improve the management efficiency of autonomous institutions in various industries.
Keywords: financial and economic activities plan, autonomous institution, university, planning, forecasting, financial and economic activities, income, expenses, receipts, payments, forecast of indicators.
Mark S. Ruban
PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: markruban777@mail.ru


Abstract. The relevance of studying the correlation between sustainable development and the green economy is due to significant deterioration of the environment and natural resources. Increasing environmental tension and the depletion of natural resources pose a threat to the future of all humankind. Global environmental problems make researches look for new ways and directions for the world economy development. The slow pace of the introduction of green economy principles and the implementation of environmental transformation in Russia is caused by a number of reasons, the key of which is the significant share of the energy sector in the economy. The article examines the relationship between the terms ‘green economy’ and ‘sustainable development’ and offers their definitions. The author considers the experience of foreign countries in the implementation and development of green economy and the problems faced by countries in the transition to the concept of green growth. The article analyzes various approaches to financing mechanisms for the green economy, including using green bonds. The author concludes by stating that it is necessary to clarify and legislate the terms ‘green economy’ and ‘green bond’ and stresses the need to develop an effective mechanism for issuing corporate green bonds, including instruments of state support and guarantees for business entities which are interested in their placement. It is also necessary to develop a unified strategy for green growth and create, on its basis, a comprehensive program for the development of green economy in Russia.
Keywords: sustainable development, green economy, green growth, green finance, green bond.
Natalya A. Oshchepkova
PhD, Associate Professor
Associate Professor at the Department of English
Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski
Kaluga, Russia
e-mail: n-oshepkova@mail.ru


Abstract. The article examines the concept of intertext and analyzes various points of view on intertextuality, ranging from the theory of intertextuality to the classification of intertextual inclusions. The research stresses the importance of intertextual elements in establishing connections with other works and preserving the profound meaning of the source text. The author focuses on the translation aspect of the theory of intertextuality, emphasizing the importance of conveying the features of the original text and the adequacy of the translation of a new communicative situation.
The subject of the study is the translation techniques of intertextual inclusions in fiction. The research material is the novel “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by the American writer Jonathan Safar Foer. The continuous sampling method was used to select the samples. The research also involves the analytical method and the methods of contextual and stylistic analysis of the text.
The key intertextual elements considered in the article are allusion and quotation. An allusion is a hint to a real political, historical or literary fact that is assumed to be generally known in fiction; an indirect reference to a mythological, biblical, historical or everyday fact, person, event or work, as well as the transference of their properties and qualities to those in the text. The difference between a quotation and an allusion lies in the fact that the allusion does not contain a complete image or exact wording. The author concludes that the most common methods of translating intertextual elements are loan translation, direct borrowing, and transcription.
The practical value of the research lies in the possibility of using the results obtained as illustrative examples of the use of intertextual elements in fiction, as well as their translation techniques as part of the training of future translators.
Keywords: intertextuality, quotation, allusion, adaptation, explication, translation commentary.
Margarita V. Pankratova
PhD in Philology
Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature
State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: ikt.1107@gmail.com


Abstract. The article discusses the semantics of color terms in the collection of poems “Displaced Windows” by Inna Lisnyanskaya, as well as lexico-semantic fields with the meaning ‘color’, the use of colors as part of the main concepts of the book, and stylistic figures. The subject of the study is the manifestation of the linguistic personality of Inna Lisnyanskaya through the use of color vocabulary. The aim of the article is to reveal the ideological and thematic content of the collection of poems “Displaced Windows” by I. Lisnyanskaya by analyzing the semantics and syntagmatics of color. The research utilizes the method of semantic analysis of a literary text, the field method, the description of lexico-semantic fields with the meaning ‘color’, and the conceptual analysis of a collection of poems.
The key results of the study include the qualitative and quantitative analysis of color terms in I. Lisnyanskaya’s book; identification of predominant lexico-semantic fields and the colors constituting them; and analysis of semantic and syntagmatic connections of the words belonging to the lexico-semantic field ‘color’, both traditional and individual author’s ones. Color vocabulary and the active use of color terms serve to create an artistic image, and more broadly, to reveal Inna Lisnyanskaya’s linguistic picture of the world, since color terms, in addition to indicating a certain shade of color, perform an expressive function and are the result of the author’s personal associations and preferences. The research material can be used to study I. Lisnyanskaya’s individual style and to describe the linguistic personality. The semantics and syntagmatics of color terms are important for describing the author’s idiostyle: color vocabulary adds semantic charge to the structure of a literary text, fixes the reader’s attention on important semes and shades of meaning contained in the direct and figurative meanings of lexemes.
Keywords: idiostyle, color terms, syntagmatics, concept, semantic chiasmus, contextual antonyms, Inna Lisnyanskaya.
Anna V. Razumkova
PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of English.
Institute of Linguistics and World Languages
Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky,
Kaluga, Russia
e-mail: razumkova89@mail.ru

Ekaterina V. Artamonova
Student, Institute of Linguistics and World Languages
Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky,
Kaluga, Russia
e-mail: katiekatieart@yandex.ru


Abstract. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the examination of common and specific features in the images of the world of representatives of various ethnic groups is crucial in establishing intercultural communication. The theory of linguistic consciousness developed by the Moscow psycholinguistic school is the theoretical basis of the study. The material for the comparative study was represented by the associative fields of the stimulus words “disease”, “hospital”, “virus”, “doctor”, and “vaccination”, obtained during a free associative experiment in Russian among the 1st-3rd year medical students at the Medical Institute of Kaluga State University named after K.Tsiolkovsky (2023). The novelty of the research is due to the fact that it is the first time data on the content of the images of consciousness that stand behind the indicated stimulus words have been obtained, described and systematized. It is also the first time such a study has been conducted among the students of the Medical Institute of Kaluga State University. The aim of the research is to model the stereotypical ideas of Russian and non-Russian respondents about the words of medical discourse to identify similarities and differences between the former and the latter. The significance and meaning of the stimulus words “disease”, “virus”, “hospital”, and “vaccination” are generally similar for representatives of the two groups, which indicates the similarity of their consciousness. The national and cultural specificity of the consciousness of bilinguals is more clearly manifested in the stimulus word “doctor”, while professional identity is more marked in the answers of Russian respondents. The peripheral zones of the associative fields of stimulus words among Russian respondents are represented by a large number of epithets, synonyms, expressive vocabulary, and lexemes with the meaning of color and smell, compared to the commonly used neutral vocabulary of foreign language speakers, which is due to the characteristics of the secondary linguistic personality. The theoretical significance of the study lies in revealing the national and cultural specificity of the linguistic consciousness of representatives of different cultures, which makes a certain contribution to the development of the theory of intercultural communication. The practical significance is determined by the possibility of applied use of the research results in further cross-cultural studies for contrastive comparison.
Keywords: linguistic consciousness, image of consciousness, linguistic culture, associative experiment, stimulus word, semantic gestalt, medical student, foreign language speaker.
Mikhail S. Yastrebov-Pestritsky
PhD in Philology
Leading Specialist of Science Library,
State Archive of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: myp-63@mail.ru


Abstract: Russian media newscasts speakers often use expressions indicating a gradual but steady change in the norms of the Russian language. For instance, a native speaker accentuates ‘his’ or ‘her’ toponym in a peculiar way, which differs from the codified norm. A violation of the orthoepic stress norm has also been fixed at the morphological level in proper and common nouns (such as verbal nouns, ‘pluralia tantum’ nouns, nouns with the ‘doer of an action’ suffix; archaisms, including elements of phraseological units; professional argots, and army argots); adjectives (borrowings, forms of the comparative degree of qualitative adjectives, etc.), verbs (verbal forms, infinitives, and some person, tense and number forms of the verb), including occasionalisms. For each individual case, the author establishes the reasons for non-standard accentuation, which verify the dynamics of the regulatory changes in the language of mass media.
Keywords: accentuation, accent norms, codified Russian language, audiovisual media, regulatory changes.

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