Dmitry V. Kovalev
Doctor of History (Dr. habil), Professor
Professor at the Department of Russian and World History
and Municipal Management
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: dmitrij-kovalev@yandex.ru


Abstract. The article attempts to identify the trends and dynamics of the return migration of the peasantry in the first post-revolutionary years, as well as its impact on the specificity of the initial stage of the Soviet agrarian reforms in the countryside of the Moscow region. The article shows that the increased demand for agricultural land from peasants returning from the city in the first post-revolutionary years sharply aggravated the problem of land supply in the Moscow province, where land relations in the previous period had been relatively stable.
The impossibility to meet the demand of the newcomers for distributed land often led to illegal, predatory actions on the part of rural society, which the central, provincial and district authorities were often unable to stop. This gave rise to conflicts between “native” and “newcomer” householders, as a result of which the peasant community limited and even deprived the latter of land use rights, thereby violating the current land legislation.
Under the conditions of the transition to NEP, as the national economy was restored, seasonal migration was also revived; although this process was slowed down by the relatively low rates of the development of industry and urban economy compared to peasant economy. As a consequence, the increase in labor migration from the countryside resulted in an increase in unemployment, especially in the metropolitan area. However, the equalizing redistribution of agricultural land, the revival of small handicraft industry and the resumption of former trade ties with the city essentially neutralized the social urgency of the problem of the redundancy of labor resources in the agricultural sphere of the Moscow province in the early 1920s.
Keywords: agrarian history, peasantry, land transformations, migration, seasonal migration, NEP (New Economic Policy), Moscow province.
Nikita S. Solomonov
Teacher of History and Social Studies
Gymnasium №10, Egoryevsk, Russia
e-mail: solomonov.n@yandex.ru


Abstract. The article dwells on the counteraction of the general police to the spread of venereal diseases in the second half of the XIXth century on the territory of the Moscow province. At the time prostitutes were considered to be the main source of sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, taking care of the physical and moral health of the population, the government decided in 1843 to legalize prostitution and introduce medical and police supervision over those women, the implementation of which was charged to the general police.
The historiography of this problem refers to the works by M.I. Pokrovskaya, V.M. Tarnovsky, S.P. Porfiryeva, D.N. Borodina, N.K. Martynenko, M.N. Zyuban, N.A. Zotkina, A.G. Bykova and others. However, the emphasis of the study in the above studies is largely shifted towards the history of everyday life. Works examining the medical-police aspect of this problem are scarce, and there are none examining the Moscow province. Therefore, it is the first time that the preventive and administrative methods of combating the spread of sexually transmitted diseases by the general police of the Moscow province have become the object of research.
The source base comprises both published and unpublished materials. The published sources are various “Rules” and “Regulations”, which served as the legislative basis for medical and police supervision. The unpublished sources from the funds of the Central State Archives of Moscow include circulars and police officials’reports as well as doctors’ memos. Circulars from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Moscow Governor contain information on specific measures to prevent venereal diseases.
Reports from police officials and doctors depict the real state of affairs in the sphere of medical and police supervision of prostitutes in different counties.
The study concludes that the main means of preventing the spread of syphilis in the Moscow province were police registration, supervision and medical check-ups of prostitutes, as well as night guards, etc. However, despite the above measures, the eradication (or limitation) of sexually transmitted diseases among the population was hard to implement, for various reasons.
Keywords: Moscow province, general police, medical and police supervision, venereal diseases, prostitution.
Vladislav A. Tulyanov
PhD in History
Associate Professor at the Department of Russian History
Federal State University of Education, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: v.tulyanov@mail.ru


Abstract. The article discusses the relationship between Metropolitan Cyprian of Kiev and Grand Duke Vasily I Dmitrievich of Moscow.
Traditionally, Russian historiography has focused on the independent policy of Cyprian, which often diverged from that of Vasily I. Some authors even reproached the metropolitan for anti-Moscow policy. The article offers an alternative view of the relationship between the Metropolitan and the Grand Duke as cooperation. Cyprian was ready to support the Grand Duke’s policy as long as it was beneficial to himself and the church. Vasily Dmitrievich, in his turn, could be interested in the church as a lever of pressure on the rest of the Russian principalities and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. However, cooperation only lasted until it was beneficial to both Cyprian and Vasily I; as soon as it ceased to benefit one of the parties, the partnership could be terminated.
The article considers the following «vectors» of the partnership between the Metropolitan and the Grand Duke: Novgorod, Tver, Horde, Byzantine, and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The research resulted in establishing that each of the participants in the partnership of the Metropolitan and the Grand Duke pursued their own goals. Where those goals coincided, Cyprian's activities can be considered pro-Moscow ones.
Keywords: Metropolitan Cyprian, Vasily Dmitrievich, Vitovt, state and church, Kiev Metropolia, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Ekaterina V. Belikova
PhD in Economics
Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities and Economics
Volgograd State Physical Education Academy,
Volgograd, Russia
e-mail: polabel@mail.ru

Alla N. Stolyarova
Doctor of Economics (Dr. habil)
Professor at the Department of Management and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies;
Professor at the Basic Department of Trade Policy
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
Moscow; Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: stolyarova2011@mail.ru

Ekaterina Yu. Chernyavskaya
PhD in Sociology
Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Economics
Volgograd Institute of Business,
Volgograd, Russia
e-mail: timoshenko_k@bk.ru


Abstract. The pressing issues of the day are related to the need to improve the level of well-being of the citizens of the Russian Federation. The social security of citizens is one of the key components of the country’s national security and its economic development. Therefore, issues of budget regulation to improve welfare are under the control of the Government of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation. The need to study the mechanisms of budget regulation is obvious [4].
The study focuses on the ways of ensuring the economic security of the state using the example of a specific region. The research aims to analyze the indicators that determine the state of social security, used to assess the standard of living of the population and the economic security of a region (studying the case of the Volgograd region).
The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the works by A.A. Adamenko, M.Yu. Yakovina, K.I. Pastukhova, V.N. Tisunova, A.N. Meitova, L.Yu. Filobokova, I.V. Yakushina, A.P. Anufrieva, A.A. Khramchenko, L.A. Belova and others.
The study concluded that the well-being of the citizens in a specific region is formed, on the one hand, by the existing potential of the region (positive impact), and on the other hand, by emerging threats (negative impact). As a result of the relationship between the representation of these components and the processes of managing them, a certain level of quality of life on the territory is formed.
Keywords: social security of citizens, social policy, national security of the country, quality of life, population, region, welfare of the population.
Natalia N. Egorova
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Financial Accounting
Witte Moscow University,
Moscow, Russia
e-mail: egorovann@list.ru

Olga A. Zavadich
Institute of Economics
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Yekaterinburg, Russia


Abstract. The relevance of the sustainable regional development agenda is due to the need to embed business structures in the region in order to solve a number of tasks related to the structural transformation of the economy, as well as social tasks, taking into account the specificity of the region.
The article aims to systematize modern approaches to the use of public-private partnership as a tool to achieve the goals of sustainable development of the region during the structural transformation of the economy. The article defines the key directions of public-private partnership projects to achieve the objectives of sustainable development.
The advantages of applying the mechanism of public-private partnership are revealed, and the possibility of using PPP projects for solving the tasks and goals of sustainable development under the conditions of structural transformation of the region’s economy is determined. The approach to sustainable regional development using the conceptual model of PPP evaluation is systematized. The solution to the problem of strengthening the interaction between business and regional authorities through the management of sustainable development of business structures is proposed.
Keywords: structural transformation, sustainable development of the region, public-private partnership, business structures.
Maria V. Rusakovich
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Economics
State University of Humanities and Social Studies,
Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: m_rusakovich@mail.ru

Nickolay N. Bekh
Leading Specialist, JSC «Fat Plant»
Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: beh197924@mail.ru


Abstract. Organizations (enterprises) own property of various categories, which ensures the operation of the organization and the activities of its employees. It is also used to manufacture products or provide services. Part of the property is fixed assets, which must be recorded in accounting and reflected on the organization’s balance sheet. The fixed assets of an enterprise are the material objects that it uses in its business activities. They are assessed, written off, and managed. They are an asset of an organization operating in the construction sector, in industry, mining, agriculture, etc., they bring profit at the present time or in the future, and can increase or decrease in value.
An organization’s fixed assets are characterized by their value-added use for a period of more than a calendar year. Besides, the organization’s fixed assets gradually transfer their value to the cost of the products that are manufactured. This happens due to the formation of a depreciation fund, which is invariably established by law.
The efficient use and rational management of the enterprise’s fixed assets make it possible to ensure its material and technical base, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of production or service provision and the results of financial and economic activities in general.
Currently, many processes are being automated and robotized. In particular, warehouse robotization is actively used in foreign marketplaces, which helps to reduce labor costs for storekeepers, loaders, and the time of assembling goods. The use of a robotic warehouse will increase the storage volume of goods by 1 m2, and will also allow assembling specific goods from an order, due to the use of a carousel-type storage system.
Keywords: robot, fixed assets, fixed asset management, efficiency, enterprise, expenses.
Tatyana A. Kapyrina
PhD in Philology
Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: tatiana-ka2008@yandex.ru

Elena V. Glushkova
Specialist for Academic Affairs
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: len.glu@yandex.ru


Abstract. The article examines the way specific linguistic units function in communicative speech acts. Analytical articles of the early 21st century served as the material for the research, during which differential-restricting particles were described. The latter perform the function of speech markers, i.e. specifiers that transform the thesis from the sphere of problem statement to the sphere of argumentation. The argumentative status of non-alternative exemplifiers is considered using the example of the particles “только” and “лишь”. Their high speech influence potential is revealed, which allows the proponent to push the reader/opponent to make a decision “in favor” of the author of the article. The research materials can be used while working with journalistic texts, and during the complex linguistic analysis of the text.
Keywords: markers, specifiers, exemplifiers, differential-restricting particles, argumentation.
Natalya A. Oshchepkova
Associate Professor at the Department of English
Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski,
Kaluga, Russia
e-mail: n-oshepkova@mail.ru


Abstract. The article discusses the ways of rendering metaphors when translating English-language political discourse. The development of international communication, with its constantly changing political landscape and linguistic differences, results in the demand for the competent and adequate translation of political discourse. The subject of the research is the translation of metaphorical expressions in the political context.
The importance of applying an appropriate translation method is due to the need to convey the imagery and create a stylistic effect similar to the one in the source text. The research objective is to determine the frequency of certain metaphor translation methods, as well analyze the ways of translating metaphors, based on the conducted research of translation technologies.
The analysis of the metaphor translation methods is based on the classification by V. Komissarov and Ya. Retsker.
The study involved 80 examples of the use of metaphors by modern English-speaking politicians. The speeches by US President Joseph Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi served as the research material.
According to the results of the analysis the most frequent method of translating metaphors is by an equivalent (43). Analogy takes the second place (18), with explication (or descriptive translation) following (10), whereas the least frequent translation method is literal translation (9).
The results of the analysis of the mechanisms of translating metaphors in political texts could be helpful for translators and specialists in the sphere of political communication, by ensuring more effective translation and mutual understanding in the political context.
Key words: political discourse, literal translation (loan translation), explication (descriptive translation), analogy, figurative equivalent.
Elena V. Papilova
PhD in Philology
Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language
National University of Oil and Gas
“Gubkin University”, Moscow, Russia,
e-mail: llennochka@mail.ru


Abstract. Vladimir Dal’ is well known to readers as the author of “The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” and “The Sayings and Bywords of the Russian People”. He is less known as an author of fiction. Even fewer readers know about his attempts to analyze the Russian language from the scientific point of view. However, Dal’s prose is prominent in his overall collection of works and is represented by novels, stories, essays, and some other rare genres. In his prose Dal’ depicts real life with its truthful details in the traditions of the1840s-era naturalism.
V. Dal’s philological activity is represented by a number of articles about the Russian language (“The Russian language”, “On the dialects of the Great Russian language”, “One and a half words about the Russian language”, “The response to the sentence”, “Foreword” (a foreword to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language), another “Foreword” (a foreword to the The Sayings and Bywords of the Russian People), “On Russian Sayings” etc.), the content of which is analyzed in the present article.
The article dwells on the way Dal’ collected words and sayings for his Explanatory Dictionary and Sayings and Bywords collections, the way he viewed the modern Russian language and the paths of its transformation he offered. In addition, Dal’s attempts of the systematization (codification) of Russian dialects and his contribution to the theory of folklore are discussed. The author of the article refers to the memoirs by Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky, who was close to Dal’ and helped him in his work. The article aims to highlight Vladimir Dal’s career as a lexicographer, folklorist, dialectologist, and ethnographer, i.e. to reveal his contribution to philology, as well as give a brief review of his fiction.
Keywords: Vladimir Dal’, the Russian language, explanatory dictionary, The Sayings and Bywords, lexicology, history of dialectology, Dal’s prose.
Irina N. Politova
Doctor of Philology (Dr. habil), Associate Professor
Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature
State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia
e-mail: i.politova@gmail.com
Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of the use of the word form “в состоянии” in the Russian language. It is a corpus-based study involving the speech material of the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The examples under analysis are grouped according to the syntactic function of the word form “в состоянии” in the sentence. The groups are constructed according to the frequency of the occurrence of the elements of the group in the general arsenal of the corpus, in decreasing order. The following groups of examples are described and commented on: 1) compound verbal predicate; 2) compound nominal predicate; 3) adverbial modifier of state; 4) attribute; 5) predicative attribute; 6) detached parts of the sentence; 7) indirect object. The analysis resulted in identifying the lexical and semantic features of the word form and describing various cases of its potential distributors and contextual environment. When studying the morphological nature of the analyzed word form, the author comes to the conclusion that its most common type is the prepositional-case form of a noun. The initial process of the transition of the word form under study into the category of prepositions only occurs if it is used with an unextended dependent component in the genitive case: “to be in a state of shock.” The research materials can be used in teaching modern Russian syntax at university.
Keywords: word form “в состоянии”, semantics of state, modal meaning, parts of a sentence, compound verbal predicate, compound nominal predicate, adverbial modifier of state, predicative attribute, set phrase.

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